My latest commission finished was for a Captain Antilles-style Rebel Commander as seen in Star Wars: A New Hope (Episode 4). I created the jacket and pants and modified the shirt. The shirt originated as two dark brown shirts, but I cut up the second shirt to create the bib-front style that the Rebel Commanders wore in the movie. The jacket and pants are 100% from scratch.
Few who have seen the movie could forget this poor man, even if they didn't know his name was Captain Antilles. (The costume as seen in the movie.)
One of the screen-used Rebel Commander jackets in an auction photo. It was from this photo I realized that the pockets were gusseted.
If you will be commissioning me to sew a costume for you, be sure to see my Measurement Chart.
*Please note: My "sewing queue" is very full. As a result, I've had to place a "cap" on the list and will not be able to take new commissions until I am caught up. I expect it to be a year or more before I come to the end of my current queue. Thanks!
I am a stay-at-home-Mom to three wonderful kids, Benjamin, Anna, and Peter.
I sew costumes, mostly inspired by Star Wars, and I am making my own full-size R2-D2. I also draw and scrapbook, though those things are harder to do with little kids around (who are into EVERYTHING!)